Church Art Museum

*not my painting

This weekend was well spent with the husband. We visited the Church's art history museum and enjoyed the paintings from this years art contest- Someday I tell myself, I'll be part of that. For now life is full of child watching and dealing with auto- immune issues. 

But I have started illustrating again which is great relief for my soul. I have had  a good 9 months  worth 
to realize I can't can't CAN'T live life without doing art. I consider it one of  my "organs" because without it I am not doing well- physically and emotionally.

Alright, enough of that soul pouring talk.

I was thoroughly impressed with many paintings I saw at the show.
Some new names come to mind-
Sherrie Nielsen
Jonathan linton *my favorite from the show

Others I've admired for quite some time-
Walter Rane

And there were those I knew of or knew from BYUI
Josh Clare
Albin Veselka 

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